
Basic pipeline

This example shows a pipeline that is made of two processes. The first process receives a FASTA formatted file and splits it into file chunks whose names start with the prefix seq_.

The process that follows, receives these files and it simply reverses their content by using the rev command line tool.

In more detail:

  • line 1: The script starts with a shebang declaration. This allows you to launch your pipeline, as any other BASH script
  • line 3: Declares a pipeline parameter named params.in that is initialized with the value $HOME/sample.fa.This value can be overridden when launching the pipeline, by simply adding the option --in <value> to the script command line
  • line 5: Defines a variable sequences holding a reference for the file whose name is specified by the params.in parameter
  • line 6: Defines a variable SPLIT whose value is gcsplit when the script is executed on a Mac OSX or csplit when it runs on Linux. This is the name of the tool that is used to split the file.
  • lines 8-20: The process that splits the provided file.
  • line 10: Opens the input declaration block. The lines following this clause are interpreted as input definitions.
  • line 11: Defines the process input file. This file is received from the variable sequences and will be named input.fa.
  • line 13: Opens the output declaration block. Lines following this clause are interpreted as output definitions.
  • line 14: Defines that the process outputs files whose names match the pattern seq_*. These files are sent over the channel records.
  • lines 16-18: The actual script executed by the process to split the provided file.
  • lines 22-33: Defines the second process, that receives the splits produced by the previous process and reverses their content.
  • line 24: Opens the input declaration block. Lines following this clause are interpreted as input definitions.
  • line 25: Defines the process input file. This file is received through the channel records.
  • line 27: Opens the output declaration block. Lines following this clause are interpreted as output definitions.
  • line 28: The standard output of the executed script is declared as the process output. This output is sent over the channel result.
  • lines 30-32: The actual script executed by the process to reverse the content of the received files.
  • line 35: Prints a result each time a new item is received on the result channel.


The above example can manage only a single file at a time. If you want to execute it for two (or more) different files you will need to launch it several times.

It is possible to modify it in such a way that it can handle any number of input files, as shown below.

In order to make the above script able to handle any number of files simply replace line 3 with the following line:

sequences = Channel.fromPath(params.in)

By doing this the sequences variable is assigned to the channel created by the fromPath method. This channel emits all the files that match the pattern specified by the parameter params.in.

Given that you saved the script to a file named example.nf and you have a list of FASTA files in a folder named dataset/, you can execute it by entering this command:

nextflow example.nf --in 'dataset/*.fa'


Make sure you enclose the dataset/*.fa parameter value in single-quotation characters, otherwise the BASH environment will expand the * symbol to the actual file names and the example won’t work.

More examples

You can find at this link a collection of examples introducing Nextflow scripting.

Check also Awesome Nextflow for a list of pipelines developed by the Nextflow community.